Biased Pushups


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Biased Pushups

This Advanced Pushups Variation and Body Weight Exercise is done on a Bosu and Works the Core Muscles more than Standard Pushups

Welcome to our Biased Pushups Exercise Instruction Guide! 

On this page you’ll learn how to do this pushups variation. Below you’ll find pictures, exercise instructions, and tips on how to get the most out of this and other Weight Training Exercises so you can immediately add to your Weight Training Programs, next Chest Workout, or next Body Weight Workout. 

Have you seen our Best Chest Exercises list yet? See if this Pushups variation made the list! 

Exercise Summary

Exercise Name: Biased Pushups
Main Muscle: Chest
Secondary Muscle(s): Core, Deltoids, Triceps, Upper Back
Exercise Type: Compound, Push
Equipment Required: Bosu Ball or Dome

Exercise Description and Instruction:

This advanced pushups variation places more of an emphasis on your core muscles as you’re forced to maintain your balance throughout the lift. It also works your pectoralis major differently than Standard Pushups due to the unsteadiness of the bosu. Be sure to squeeze your chest as you press upwards and switch the bosu ball to the other side after completing a set number of reps. 

One major benefit of Pushups is that they are very versatile. You can target specific muscles by changing the angle of the pushup or changing the width of your hand base. 

View some of our pushup variations:

  • Standard Pushups
  • Exercise Ball Pushups
  • Tricep Pushups
  • Wide Chest Pushups

To Perform This Exercise:

  1. Arrange the bosu (dome) flat side down on the floor so that as you begin the exercise, one hand is on the bosu and the other on the floor.
  2. Hold your torso up at arms length while keeping your back straight. This is the starting position.
  3. Next, inhale and lower yourself down by bending at the arms until your chest almost touches the floor. Your biceps and forearms should form a ninety (90) degree angle in this position at the bottom of the movement.
  4. Next, exhale and press your body back up to the starting position by extending your arms fully and squeezing your chest.
  5. Pause for a moment then lower yourself downward again and complete the desired number of repetitions.
  6. Switch bosu ball to the other side to shift emphasis.


  1. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.
  2. The width of your hand base determines where the emphasis is placed. A wider hand base focuses more on the outer portion of the chest whereas a close grip focuses more on the triceps. See Tricep Pushups and Wide Chest Pushups.

Other Popular Upper Body Exercises:

Check out some of our other popular Arm Exercises and Variations:

  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • Bent Over Row
  • Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Chin Ups and Pull Ups
  • Triceps Extension

Now that you’ve seen Biased Pushups, which primarily target your pectorals, check out all of our different Chest Exercises. 

Or, check out these other pages of interest:

  • Weight Training Exercises
  • Chest Exercises Main Page and Best Chest Exercises List
  • Muscle Building Workouts
  • Fat Loss Workouts 

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