Body Row


Body Row

Learn How to Do this Lat and Upper Back Exercise that also Blasts your Back and Core Muscles

Welcome to our Body Row Exercise Instruction Guide!

On this page you’ll learn how to do this body weight and core strengthening exercise using the correct technique. Below you’ll find pictures, exercise instructions, and tips on how to get the most out of this and other Back Exercises so you can immediately add to your Weight Training Programs or next Back Workout.

Have you seen our Best Back Exercises list yet? See if this Body Weight Exercise made the list!

Exercise Summary

Exercise Name: Body Row
Main Muscle: Upper Back
Secondary Muscle(s): Lats, Biceps, Chest
Exercise Type: Compound, Pull
Equipment Required: Barbell or Smith Machine*

*This is a body weight exercise, but a barbell anchored in a squat rack or on a smith machine is required.

Exercise Description and Instruction:

The Body Row is also commonly referred to as the Inverted Row or Reverse Pushup. This Body Weight Exercise primarily targets your lat and upper back muscles, but is also one of the best core exercises.

If desired, add additional resistance to this exercise by placing a weight plate on your chest.

To Perform This Exercise:

  1. Lie under a barbell secured on the safety bars or supports of a squat cage or at a Smith Machine.
  2. Grasp the bar with a shoulder width overhand grip. Your body should be straight with your heels on the ground and your arms fully extended. This is the starting position.
  3. Exhale and pull your body towards the bar by contracting your arms and pulling your shoulder blades together.
  4. Pause for a moment, then return to the starting position slowly by extending your arms and allowing your upper body to descend to the floor.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  1. Keep your back flat throughout this exercise and your feet planted on the floor.
  2. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you complete the row.
  3. Make the exercise more difficult by placing a weight plate on your chest.

Now that you’ve seen the Body Row exercise, which primarily targets your upper back muscles, check out all of our different Upper Back Exercises.

Or, view our Back Exercises Main Page and link directly to our Upper Back Exercises as well as our Lat Exercises and Lower Back Exercises.

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