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Leg Workouts
Welcome to our Leg Workouts Main page!
Your legs are a large and important muscle group and absolutely can’t be ignored, regardless of your fitness goals. Whether you’re trying to tone and sculpt, build the foundation to your HOUSE of POWER, or increase your squat max, you’re in the right spot.
Below we’ve linked to all our weight training routines that focus on the calves, hamstrings, quads, and glutes. If you found your way to this page, hopefully you already understand the importance of incorporating leg exercises in your workout routines. However, first we’ll try and do a little bit more convincing if you’re still on edge.
Shut up and let me skip to the workouts!
Why Leg Workouts are Important
Aesthetics: If you’re a woman, hopefully you already understand that your legs (including your glutes!) play an important role in your outward appearance. Men generally need more convincing here. Men, nothing looks more ridiculous than someone that has a large upper body and tooth pick legs. Get with the program.
Fat Loss: In general, leg day is most difficult days in the gym, assuming you’re using a challenging amount of weight. This is because lower body exercises force your body to extract more energy (burn more calories) than upper body exercises.
Muscle Building: Calling on the large leg muscle group releases more muscle building testosterone and growth hormone than training any other muscle group. These natural muscle builders supplement all your other lifts and don’t just build your leg muscles, but also pump up your chest, biceps, and all of the other glamour muscles.
All Leg Workouts
Twice the Pain Leg Workout Routine: Destroy your leg muscles with two leg workouts – A heavy and a “light” leg workout each done once per week. |
Final Related Pages
If you found this page of interest, check out these related pages:
- Leg Exercises Main Page and Best Leg Exercises List
- Calf Exercises, Glute Exercises, Hamstring Exercises, and Quadriceps Exercises
- All Fat Loss Workouts
- All Muscle Building Workouts
- All Strength Training Routines
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