Barbell Lunge
Lunges are a Classic Leg Exercise. This Version allows you to Pack on Weight and Build Muscle Mass or Lose Body Fat Effectively
Welcome to our Barbell Lunge Exercise Instruction Guide!
On this page you’ll learn how to do this version of lunges using the correct technique. Below you’ll find pictures, exercise instructions, and tips on how to get the most out of this and other Leg Exercises so you can immediately add to your Leg Workouts.
Have you checked out our list of the Best Leg Exercises yet? See if this forward lunge variation made the list.
Exercise Summary
Exercise Name: | Barbell Lunge |
Main Muscle: | Quadriceps |
Secondary Muscle(s): | Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings |
Exercise Type: | Compound |
Equipment Required: | Barbell |
Exercise Description and Instruction:
This Leg Exercise is one of our Lunges Variations and uses a barbell held across your upper back. Barbell Lunges are more beneficial than the Dumbbell Lunge for building muscle mass because you can use a lot more weight and thereby put more stress on your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.
To Perform This Exercise:
- Start by loading a loaded barbell off of a weight rack and placing it across your upper back with your feet about 8 inches apart and your toes facing forward. You should use a grip slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Lunge two to three feet forward with your first leg and land on your heel then your forefoot. Your abs should be drawn in and your upper body should be straight and perpendicular to the floor.
- Slowly lower your body by flexing the knee and hip of your front leg until the rear leg is almost in contact with the floor.
- Return to the standing position by pressing upwards forcibly with your forward leg and extending your hip and knee.
- Repeat the motion with your alternate leg.
- Practice the lunges without any weight to allow yourself to become comfortable with the movements.
- The knee you are leaning forward on should not move beyond the toe of this foot.
- Keep your head facing forward and your back straight throughout the exercise.
Other Popular Leg Exercises:
Check out some of our other popular Lower Body Exercises. These pages link to all of our variations of the most popular leg exercises:
- Calf Raises
- Deadlifts
- Front Squat
- Hack Squats
- Lunges
- Split Squats
- Step Ups
Now that you’ve seen the Barbell Lunge, which primarily targets your Quads, check out all of our different Quadriceps Exercises.
Also view our Leg Exercises Page, which links to our Quadriceps Exercises as well as our Calf Exercises, Glute Exercises and Hamstring Exercises.
Finally, if you found this page of interest, check out these related pages:
- Best Leg Exercises
- Weight Training Exercises Main Page
- Compound Exercises
- Leg Workouts
- Fat Loss Workouts
- Muscle Building Workouts
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